
Forget those professional cameras and digital cameras! Iphoneography is here! I have realized that I rely more on my iPhone now to take photos than my professional camera. In my opinion, the quality of the images taken by an iPhone are just so amazing. Thank you Steve Jobs and everyone else who came up with such a sophisticated, addict phone called the iPhone. These phones are geniuses since you can pretty much do anything on today! To make this topic relevant to my post, this post is based off of iphoneography. This is true simply because all my photos were taken with my iPhone. I also wanted to add some pictures of Central Park because it is just beyond beautiful. I have noticed that I am lucky to live in New York City and that I should appreciate the fact that I was born and raised in New York City. Not everyone has the opportunity to even visit New York City, and I get to see New York City everyday, ever since the day I was born. I believe I am lucky and I know that if I'd decide to leave New York City others in other countries or states would think I'm crazy. Well, I'm off to sleep now! Check out my pictures! Stay well and happy almost friday which means WEEKEND. My weekend started Thursday though. I have no classes Fridays, but yeah! Goodnight!

Zapomnijcie o profesjonalnych apartach albo o zwyklych aparatach! Teraz jest nowa sztuka fotografi ktora sie nazwy iPhoneograpy. Zauwazylam ze teraz bardziej polegam na swoim iPhonie niz na swoim profesjonalnym aparacie. W mojej opini, iPhony robia przepiekne zdjecia! Dziekuje Steve Jobs i innym ktorzy stworzyli ten telefon! Mam addykcje. Te telefony sa przemadrale! Pewnie myslicie czemu wlasnie pisze wam o iPhonach? Poniewaz wszystkie dzisiejsze zdjecia byly robione z Iphonem. Jeszcze dzisiaj do blogu chcialam wam pokazac zdjecia z Central Park! Central Park jest przepiekny. Zauwazylam ze powinnam byc zadowolona z tego faktu ze mieszkam w Nowym Jorku i ze urodzilam sie tu! Duzo ludzi by chcialo byc na moim miejscu ale nie moga. Wiec przez to chociaz chcialam wam pokazac cos pieknego i to jest wlasnie Central Park. Wiem ze jakbym powiedziala ze chce sie wyprowadzic z Nowego Jorku to nie ktorzy by mnie wysmiali. (Czasami mam ochote sie wyprowadzic z tego miastu, wogole z tego kraju, ale niestety tu jest moj dom i wiem ze bym tesknila za Nowym Jorkiem ze pewnie bym wracala z samolotem od razu do domu.) Teraz powinnam isc spac i wlasnie ide juz! Zycze wam wszystkim milego piatku! Aha i jest juz WEEKEND! Dobranoc <3

P.S. This is a special shout to one of my bestfriends Dominika M. that turns 17 today! Happy birthday baby girl! I love you and thank you for being one of my most amazing bestfriends. I appreciate everything you have done for me and I love you with my whole heart! I wish you the best and see you at dinner at 7!
Chcialam jeszcze tylko powiedziec jedna rzecz dla jednej specjalnej osoby dzisiaj. Dominika M. wszystkiego najlepszego! Bedziemy ci dzisiaj spiewac STO LAT i HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kocham cie baby girl! Dziekuje ci za wszystko co dla mnie zrobilas! Kocham cie z calym sercem! Zycze ci wszystkiego najlepszego i do zobaczenia na obiedzie o 7 <3

I wanted to appreciate my boyfriend and everything he has done for me. He is the most amazing person in my life. I love you. 07.23.11
Chcialam docenic mojego chlopaka i wszystko co dla mnie zrobil! Jest wspaniala osoba w moim zyciu. Kocham cie! 07.23.11

Fur vest: Unknown
Jeans- Joe Fresh
Shirt- Zara
Boots- I keep forgetting the name, but its an Italian designer!

Watch out for Hermes

Hey guys! This is Urszula! We have officially began our blogging with new admins besides for me. Today we're posting Sammie's look! Her outfit is simple, classy, and cute. She keeps it simple with a button down, black flats, and dark jeans! It gives it a classic look! She also added her Hermes bag and watch to add a little pop of color. In my opinion this look is great! It is great for school or shopping or just going to places when you are in a rush! It is a very comfy, cute look!

Czesc wam! To Urszula z tej strony. Oficjalnie zaczelismy wspolpracowac z soba! Dzisiaj blogujmey o stylizacji Sammie! Jej stylizacja jest prosta, klasyczna i bardzo fajna! Ubrala rozpinana bluzke, czarne baletki i czarne dzinsy zeby wyglad byl prosty! To daje jej stylizacji bardzo klasyczny wyglad. Do jej stylizacji dodala torebke z Hermes i zegarek zeby dodac troche koloru do jej stylizacji. W mojej opini to  jest bardzo ladna stylizacja jak chcecie sie urbac na zakupy albo do szkoly albo jak sie gdzies spieszycie! 


Jeans/Dzinsy: 7 For All Mankind
Shoes: Vince Camuto
Bag: Hermes
Watch: Custom made by Sammies boyfriend's parents. The minimum selling price is $400.


Hey guys! How is everyone doing? I hope every things fine! I just wanted to give you guys a quick update! Today I have decided to try something new with my blog. Well to be honest, it is not only my blog anymore. This blog will be ran by my bestfriend from school Sammie, my boyfriend, and me. Sammie and I will be both posting pictures of our looks. We will also be adding something new. We will be blogging about beauty. We will be posting our makeup looks and this is one of the new additions to the blog. Just to make this clear, YES WE DO HAVE EXPERIENCE IN BOTH THE FASHION AND BEAUTY INDUSTRY. We have decided to work together in making this blog successful. Also another new addition is my boyfriend is going to be blogging about mens fashion! AND YES HE HAS EXPERIENCE IN THIS TOO. My boyfriend has recently started pursuing a career in acting and that has taught him a little bit more about the fashion industry. He is starting off with background work for now, but I'm very happy for him. I also wanted to say OUR FACEBOOK BLOG PAGE HAS REACHED OVER 400 likes! I am very happy! I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has helped me out! For that reason, I have decided to hold a contest. Two lucky winners will win CHANEL LIPSTICK. The winners will choose the colors they want and the lipstick will be shipped out! I'm really excited! If you're interested in joining the contest, the rules are easy! Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/FashFabx and you must share our page on your wall and with your friends. Here is also the invite page you must join https://www.facebook.com/events/110859122433223/?notif_t=plan_user_joined
Well thats all thats basically new. Heres my outfit that I wore to my internship! Enjoy!

Czesc wam! Jak sie macie? Mam nadzieje ze dobrze! Chcialam wam powiedziec kilka rzeczy. Ten blog juz nie jest tylko moj. Ja, Sammie i moj chlopak jestesmy wlascicielami! Ja i moja kolezanka Sammie bedziemy pisac o modzie i o makijarzu. Nowa rzecz ktora wejdzie na blog to wlasnie makijarz. I TAK MY MAMY DOSWIADCZENIE W MODZIE I W MAKIJARZU. Ja sama osobiscie pracowalam jako makeup artist dla modeli. Jeszcze do blogu doszedl moj chlopak i on bedzie blogowal o modzie. I ON TEZ MA DOSWIADCZENIE W TYM ZAWODZIE. Ostatnio on nawet zaczal kariere jako aktor. Narazie zatrzyna od malych rzeczy! Jestem dumna z niego! Jeszcze chcialam wszystkim serdecznie podziekowac za pomoc w tym blogu. Na facebooku wreszcie mamy ponad 400 lajkow! Za to zdecydowalam zrobic konkurs. 2 osoby maja szanse wygrac szminke z Chanel. Te 2 osoby wybiora jakie kolory dokladnie chca. Wiec jak jestescie zainteresowani, musicie dac lajka na naszej stronie na facebooku www.facebook.com/FashFabx i musicie wlozyc nasza strone na waszym facebooku! Jeszcze do tego musicie sie dodac pod ta strona na konkurs https://www.facebook.com/events/110859122433223/?notif_t=plan_user_joined
I tyle slychac na tej stronie!
Teraz mozecie zobaczyc moja stylizacje na dzisiejszy dzien!

Leggings- American Apparel
I know this picture isn't professional. I apologize for that, but I just wanted to show you all my outfit for today.
Przepraszam za to ze to zdjecie nie jest profesjonalne, ale chcialam wam pokazac moja stylizacje na dzisiejszy dzien!

Heres also a quick tutorial for how I do my winged eyeliner. Sorry for the bad quality. I took the pictures on my iPhone.
Tu jest jeszcze zdjecie jak ja maluje sobie kreski. Przepraszam ze te zdjecia tez nie sa profesjonalne ale robilam jez z swoim iPhonem.


This is Sammie! Welcome on the team of Fash Fab!
To jest Sammie! Witaj na stronie Fash Fab.

This is my boyfriend, Lukasz! Welcome on the team of Fash Fab!
To jest moj chlopak Lukasz! Witaj na stronie Fash Fab.

My fave dresses from the Oscars! Moje ulubione sukienki z Oskarow!

Jennifer Lawrence's Dior dress looked beautiful!


Get it?

Hey guys! Today's post is a long post full of pictures! HOW AWESOME! I chose an outfit that would keep me warm and then I wore it! This look is a relaxed, comfortable look. It is plain, but at least I felt comfortable! I also posted some pictures of some items I bought yesterday! So, you should check them out and leave comments below! By the way, is it just me that's been feeling a little lonely lately and gloomy?

Czesc wam! Dzisiaj ten wpis ma same zdjecia prawie. Fajnie, co nie? Moja stylizacja jest dzisiaj prosta ale wygodna. Jeszcze do tego bylo mi cieplo! Najwazniejsze jest to ze sie wygodnie czulam. Do tego wpisu dodalam jeszcze zdjecia z roznych rzeczy co pokupowalam wczoraj. Wiec ogladnijcie zdjecia i zostawcie komentarze! Aha i czy to tylko ja sie taka samotna czuje ostatnio?

By the way I made an instagram! Follow me! http://instagram.com/urszulala

sweater- Zara
Scarf- Echo
Leggings- Zara
Shoes- ASOS
Bag- Liz claiborne
Ring- Forever 21

This is my favorite lipstick. It is Estee Lauder lipstick.

Shorts and shirt- Zara

Superman shirt woohooo!

Iphone case- PINK by Victorias Secret

Forever 21!


Hey guys! How are you all? I have been busy with school. I have been studying and doing a lot of that kind of stuff. I finally found time for my blog. My look today is just simple. I just wore a white plain comfortable t-shirt, jeans with a pattern to add some color, and a black button down sweater to contrast the look (and to match my shoes and sunglasses of course). By the way, these are my fave wedges! THEY ARE SUPER DUPER COMFY! I love them. That reminds me, I need more shoes! Lately I have been wanting some nude flats! That is on my need to buy list! :3 Well anyways, check out my pictures! Take care until next time!

Czesc wam! Jak sie macie? Jestem zajeta strasznie z szkola. Mam duzo nauki, ale wreszcie znalazlam czas no bloga. Dzisiejsza stylizacja jest prosta. Ubralam normalna biala wygodna bluzke, spodnie wzorkami zeby dodac troche kolor do mojego wygladu i do tego dodalam czarny sweterek aby troche z ciemnic ten wyglad (oczycwisze jeszcze do tego zeby pasowal mi do butow i do okularow). AHHH! TO SA MOJE ULUBIONE BUTY! SA BARDZO WYGODNE. UWIELBIAM JE. Przypomnialo mi sie wlasnie ze potrzebuje wiecej butow. Mam chyba ponad 80 par butow jak nie wiecej... ale zawsze malo! Ostatnio mam ochote na brazowe baletki! MUSZE SOBIE JE NATYCHMIAST KUPIC! Wloze je na swoja liste, bo wiosna sie juz zbliza i potrzebuje odswiezyc swoja szafe. :3 Dobra, nie bede juz wam marudzila. Ogladnijcie sobie moje zdjecia! Papa!


T-shirt- Zara
Sweater- Lord and Taylor
Jeans- Urban outfitters
Sunglasses- Unknown
Watch- Fossil

My new Fossil watch is my luck charm. It's small because I wanted a small watch.
Moj nowy zegarek z fossil jest moim szczesciem. Chcialam maly zegarek, wiec go mam.

Sweater- Topshop
Shirt underneath my sweater- American Apparel
I also finally found my favorite sweater! I also love the color of it and the holes. 
Wreszcie znalazlam moj ulubiony sweter! Uwielbiam ten kolor i te dziury.

Bad Day

We all get those bad days, don't we? Today was one of those days for me. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I say this with sarcasm. Today I felt like crap all day and I really just felt like sleeping. I didn't even have an appetite to eat, so I basically ate nothing all day except for some crackers -.- Well at least I kept my emotions to myself. Usually I tend to argue with people around me when I'm in a bad mood, but I am rarely in a bad mood! Well, todays post is based off of my bad day. Even though I look serious in these pictures, I posted some pictures I took with my phone just to clarify and prove that I am a very happy person and that I love to smile! Well, I start my internship tomorrow so I should go to sleep! Woohoo! I will be interning for a vintage thrift store that helps raise money for people with HIV, AIDS, etc. I cannot wait for that. I'm really excited because I love helping people and this makes me feel great about myself as a person :) I have a heart.

Kazdy ma te okropne dni. Dzisiaj byl ten dzien dla mnie. Wstalam po nie prawidlowej stronie lozka. Czuje sie okropnie dzisiaj i tak naprawde mialam ochote tylko spac. Nawet ledwie co jadlam. Chociaz staram sie trzymac emocje w sobie. Zawsze w takie dni sie kloce z ludzmi -.- Wiec dzisiejszy post jest zwiazany z mioim okropnym dniem. Chcialam wam jeszcze powiedziec ze w zdjeciach wygladam serio ale w realu jestem usmiechnata i wesola osoba. Nawet wam chcialam udowodnic, wiec postanowilam wlozyc zdjecia z telefonu z usmiechem! Powinnam isc teraz spac bo jutro zatrzynam praktyki! Bede pracowala w sklepie ktory pomaga ludzia ktorzy maja HIV, AIDS, itd. Nie doczekam sie! To jest dobra szansa aby sie nauczyc duzo a najwazniejsze to pomoge ludzia <3 Jestem dumna z siebie ze pomagam innym. Mam serce :)


P.S. I want a rabbit, but my mom won't let me buy one :(

Sweater- Club Monaco
Jeans- A&F
Necklace- Forever 21
Boots- Aldo
Belt- Zara

I also ordered this iPhone case for my iPhone <3 
I love penguins.