Hey guys! How are you all doing? I haven't blogged in a while because I have been busy with school work, job interviews, work etc. BUT I found the time to update my blog today! So let me update you a little bit on what has been going on in my life. First off on Friday there was a blizzard in NYC and it left us with a ton of snow, but guess what? I love snow, but I feel bad for other places that were severely hit by the blizzard... especially after Hurricane Sandy. I can imagine what those people are going through right now...! Well besides for the storm, my boyfriend was at the hospital. He is okay now and thank goodness. I made him a get better poster! I have to send it to him. This week I also had school and let me tell you something! It was a great week. For the new semester I am starting off strong with good grades and I am really proud of myself. I am hoping to end this semester with good grades. I also had job interviews this week and I must say they were successful. I got a job! I will be working at a thrift store that helps raise money for people with HIV, AIDS, etc. This is perfect because I love helping people and this is a new experience for me. I am the type of person that is adventurous and curious. I am also a person that loves to learn, so I this experience will definitely benefit me. Now that leaves me with today... I finally switched from a blackberry to an iPhone! Yay! TEAM IPHONE! Well anyways here are some pictures I took and some of my outfits! So check out my pictures and leave comments! Thanks! Take care! Bye!
Czesc! Jak sie macie? Dawno nie blogowalam bo bylam zajeta z praca, z szkola, z rozmowami o prace, itd. ALE w koncu znalazlam czas na bloga. Teraz wam opowie troche co sie dzialo u mnie ostatnio. W piatek padal snieg u nas, w Nowym Jorku! I wiecie co? Nie przeszkadza mi to. Ja lubie snieg tylko wspolczuje tym ludzia ktorzy musieli jeszcze raz to przezyc i jeszcze po huraganie Sandy. Okropnie... Masakra... Jeszcze do tego moj chlopak byl w szpitalu. Teraz jest juz wszystko w porzadku, ale tak sie martwilam o niego! Zrobilam mu plakat zeby sie poczul lepiej i musze mu to wyslac! Jeszcze do tego te rozmowy o prace byly udane! Dostalam prace w uzywanym sklepie! Bede pracowala w sklepie zeby pomoc ludzia z chorobami HIV, AIDS, itd. Podoba mi sie ta praca bo to jest cos nowego dla mnie a ja jestem osoba ktora lubi probowac nowe rzeczy. Najbardziej lubie sie uczyc nowe rzeczy i bede mogla sie nauczyc duzo z tej pracy. Teraz mi zostal dzisiejszy dzien! W koncu kupilam sobie iPhone i nie mam juz Blackberry. YAY! TEAM IPHONE! No i tak mi minal tydzien! Porobilam kilka zdjec, wiec jak sie wam chce to mozecie je sobie po ogladac i jak chcecie to zostawcie jakies komentarze! Dziekuje! Trzymajcie sie! Pa!
Sweater- Urban Outfitters
Jeans- Zara
Hat: Michael Kors
Faux Fur Vest- Urban Outfitters
Leggings- Urban Outfitters
Shoes- ASOS
Great outfit <3 <3 Love the vest!
Thank you doll!