My day

Hey guys! Today I am writing a quick post. I am keeping it really simple. Below this text, you could find pictures of the scenery in New York City. You could also find some pictures of some things I bought today. So, check it out! 
Follow me on instagram! 
Please like our facebook page! 

Czesc wam! Dzisiaj napisalam taki dosc szybki wpis! Pod tym tekstem sa zdjecia krajobrazy z Nowego Jorku! Jeszcze mozecie widziec w zdjeciach kilka rzeczy co dzisiaj kupilam!
Prosze mnie dodac na instagram!
Prosze dac lajka na nasz strone na Facebook!

This is a picture of a tree branch and the sky. I took it while I was walking home from the train :) Brooklyn!
Tu jest zdjecie galazki i nieba! Robilam to zdjecie jak szlam do domu z metra :)

I love this place! I think its beautiful and it stands out to me! I took this picture with my friend Allison on our way to class! This is on Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
Kocham to miejsce! Jest przepiekne i jest po prostu inne! Zrobilam to zdjecie jak szlam z kolezanka Allison na nastepna lekcje! To miejsce jest na Madison Avenue na Manhattanie!

I took this picture this morning while I was running for my marketing class on Park Avenue, Manhattan.
Zrobilam to zdjecie rano jak bieglam na lekcje marketingu na Park Avenue na Manhattanie.

Shoes- Steve Madden

Shoes- Wanted

Shoes- Tommy Hilfiger

Jacket- Calvin Klein

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