
Hello everyone! Sorry that it has been taking me a while to post a new post with an outfit. I promise you all that tomorrow you will see a new post with professional pictures outside! Spring is here and there is just so much to do. Well anyway let me move on to my outfit. Lately I saw store displays with a lot of outfits that were mostly either yellow, orange, or blue. I decided to wear a blouse with all those three colors since those colors are currently trendy. I matched my blouse with dark jeggings. Light bottoms just would not look good with this blouse. Since the blue is dark and the yellow and orange are light, it is better to just wear dark bottoms. I also tucked my blouse in and wore a brown belt. Tucking blouses in gives it more of a casual look and adding a belt makes the look perfect. To not be all over the place, I tried to choose shoes to this outfit that matched the belt. For this outfit I want all the attention to go to my blouse and I think it worked! What do you think? 

Czesc! Przepraszam ze mi troche zeszlo z postem. Obiecuje wam wszystkim ze jutro bede profesjonalne zdjecia! Wiosna juz jest i po prostu mam duzo do robienia. Wiec, ostatnio zauwazylam ze duzo sklepow uzywyja niebieskie, pomaranczowe i zolte kolory w swoich stylizacjach. Zdecydowalam  ze ubiore koszule z takimi kolorami bo te kolory sa teraz w trendach. Do tej koszuli ubralam ciemne dzinsy. Czemu? Po prostu jasne dzinsy nie pasuja do tej bluzki. Jezeli sie ma jasne kolory na koszuli i jeden ciemny kolor, to najlepiej jest ubrac ciemne dzinsy. Jeszcze do tego wlozylam swoja koszule do spodni bo wtedy stylizacja wyglada causal i jeszcze dodalam pasek zeby stylizacja byla perfekcyjna. Zeby moja stylizacja nie byla kolorowa, ubralam takie buty ktore pasowaly do paska. Cala uwaga ma isc na koszule a nie na inne rzeczy! Ja mysle ze mi sie stylizacja udala! A wy co myslicie?


Jeggings- Hollister
Shoes/Buty- Urban Outfitters
Blouse/Koszula- Calvin Klein
I got the belt as a gift! Dostalam ten pasek jako prezent!

A cute street sign I took a picture of in Brooklyn Heights!
Podobal mi sie ten znak na ulicy w Brooklyn Heights bo pisze LOVE LA!

1 comment

  1. cute outfit! :-) love that street sign by the way!
